====== Worked Examples Effect ====== ===== Theory ===== The worked examples effect was first introduced in 1985(([[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s1532690xci0201_3|Sweller, John, and Graham Cooper. The Use of Worked Examples as a Substitute for Problem Solving in Learning Algebra. Cognition and Instruction 2: 59-89, 1985.]])) suggesting positive effects of providing a learner with an **example of the problem solution** before requiring him to solve one on his own. This suggestion is contrary to many [[learning_paradigms:constructivism|constructivist]] [[instructional_design:discovery learning]] methods which suggest a learner should try to solve the problem by himself. [[learning_theories:Cognitive load theory]] on the other hand suggests that searching for the problem solution places unnecessary load on the learner's mind preventing him from learning. A worked example will remove the load of searching for a solution and enable easier acquisition of basic steps leading to the solution. ===== Practice ===== [[http://www.purplemath.com/modules/solvquad6.htm|{{ :images:quadratic_equation.gif?direct&|A worked example of the quadratic equation formula. Image borrowed and edited from: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/solvquad6.htm. Click on the picture to follow the link.}}]] Learners should be presented with a worked example of the procedure they're expected to learn **prior to trying to solve a problem** which requires that procedure. For example, when teaching learners the formula for calculating roots of a quadratic formula, learners should first be provided with a worked example of using the formula, and then try to solve a problem on their own. Still, it should be noted that under some conditions * "//worked examples are no more effective, and possibly less effective, than solving problems.//"(([[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s1532690xci0701_1|Ward, Mark, and John Sweller. Structuring Effective Worked Examples. Cognition and Instruction 7: 1-39, 1990.]])) This is due to the fact that even **worked examples can be badly designed** and not follow the [[research_results:principles and effects]] of proper instructional design (especially see: [[research_results:expertise reversal effect]]). ===== Research status ===== A recent research has systematically compared usage of worked examples, example-problem pairs, problem-example pairs and problem-solving, demonstrating that * "//example study only and example-problem pairs were more effective and efficient than problem solving only and problem-example pairs.//"(([[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0361476X1000055X|van Gog, Tamara, Liesbeth Kester, and Fred Paas. Effects of worked examples, example-problem, and problem-example pairs on novice learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology 36, no. 3: 212-218, July 2011.]]))