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hr:implications [2012/07/09 15:57]
jpetrovic [Long-term memory and knowledge organization]
hr:implications [2023/06/19 18:03] (trenutno)
Redak 20: Redak 20:
-===== Working memory and cognitive architecture ​=====+===== Radno pamćenje i spoznajna arhitektura ​=====
-  - Human working memory has a limited capacity of 7±2 or 4±1 chunks of informationA chunk is an unit operated as a whole and it has a different meaning for an expert and for a novice. [[memory_models:​Human Working Memory]] +  - Ljudsko radno pamćenje ima ograničeni kapacitet od 7±2 ili 4±1 čestica informacijeČestica pritom predstavlja jedinicu informacije kojom se može baratati kao cjelinom i ima drugačiju vrijednost kod početnika i eksperta. [[memory_models:​Human Working Memory]] 
-  - Human working memory has four components: phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, episodic buffer ​and central executive. ​Visuospatial sketchpad and phonological loop allow parallel processing of visual and auditive information. [[memory_models:​Human Working Memory]], [[learning_theories:​Cognitive load theory]] +  - Ljudsko radno pamćenje ima četiri komponentefonološku petlju, vizuospacijalni ekran, epizodni ekran, te središnjeg izvršitelja (//phonological loop////visuospatial sketchpad////episodic buffer// i //central executive//)Vizuospacijalni ekran i fonološka petlja omogućavaju paralelno procesiranje vizualnih i auditivnih informacija. [[memory_models:​Human Working Memory]], [[learning_theories:​Cognitive load theory]] 
-  - Since working memory has a limited capacity learning won't occur if that capacity is exceeded. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive load theory]] +  - Budući da radno pamćenje ima ograničeni kapacitet, do učenja neće doći ako je on premašen. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive load theory]] 
-===== Prior knowledge ​=====+===== Predznanje ​=====
-  - Meaningful learning won't occur unless the learner possesses necessary prior knowledge. [[learning_theories:​Assimilation theory]] +  - Ako učenik ne raspolaže potrebnim predznanjem,​ neće doći do učenja. [[learning_theories:​Assimilation theory]] 
-  - Comprehension and retention depend mostly on the schemata the reader already possesses. [[learning_theories:​schema_theory|Schema Theory]] +  - Razumijevanje i retencija ovise ponajviše o shemama kojima učenik raspolaže. [[learning_theories:​schema_theory|Schema Theory]] 
-  - The meaning is not conveyed by the teacher and is not in (educational) informationRather meaning is derived by the student from his existing knowledge (schemata) and its interaction with presented information. [[learning_theories:​schema_theory|Schema Theory]]+  - Značenje ne prenosi učitelj i ono se ne nalazi u informaciji koja se prenosiZnačenje se izvodi iz interakcije predznanja učenika i njegovih schema. [[learning_theories:​schema_theory|Schema Theory]]
-===== Meaningful learning ​=====+===== Smisleno učenje ​=====
-  - Learning is not a passivebut a conscious, active process. [[learning_paradigms:​Constructivism]],​ [[learning_paradigms:​Cognitivism]] +  - Učenje nije pasivan nego svjestanaktivan proces. [[learning_paradigms:​Constructivism]],​ [[learning_paradigms:​Cognitivism]] 
-  - Learning is the process of knowledge construction/​acquisition. [[learning_paradigms:​Constructivism]]/​[[learning_paradigms:​Cognitivism]] +  - Učenje je proces konstrukcije i prihvaćanja znanja. [[learning_paradigms:​Constructivism]]/​[[learning_paradigms:​Cognitivism]] 
-  - Learning occurs through interaction of learner'​s prior knowledge ​(knowledge schemes), ideas and experience. [[learning_paradigms:​Constructivism]] +  - Učenje se odvija kroz interakciju učenikovog predznanja ​(shema), ideja i iskustva. [[learning_paradigms:​Constructivism]] 
-  - Learning is a socially enhanced process. [[learning_paradigms:​Constructivism]],​ [[learning_theories:​social_cognitive_learning_theory|Social Cognitive Theory]], [[learning_theories:​Social Development Theory]] +  - Učenje je društveno pospješeni proces. [[learning_paradigms:​Constructivism]],​ [[learning_theories:​social_cognitive_learning_theory|Social Cognitive Theory]], [[learning_theories:​Social Development Theory]] 
-  - Meaningful learning won't occur unless the new ideas are presented ​in a clear way that enables their relating to other ideas. [[learning_theories:​Assimilation theory]] +  - Do smislenog učenja dolazi samo ukoliko su ideje predstavljene na jasan način koji omogućuje njihovo povezivanje s drugim idejama. [[learning_theories:​Assimilation theory]] 
-  - The teacher should advise students how and in which context to apply and transfer the just gained knowledge in the world outside the classroom. [[learning_theories:​Conditions of learning]] +  - Učitelj bi trebao savjetovati učenike kako i u kojem kontekstu mogu primjeniti stečeno znanje izvan učionice. [[learning_theories:​Conditions of learning]] 
-  - The teacher should provide guidance to students in discussionanswer their questions and offer them additional materials on topic.[[learning_theories:​Conditions of learning]] +  - Učitelj bi trebao voditi studente pri diskusijipružiti im odgovore na pitanja i dodatne materijale o temi. [[learning_theories:​Conditions of learning]] 
-  - Starting point for any learning is experienceyet different people learn better using different learning stylesOne of the classification of these styles is to abstract or concrete experience or conceptualization. [[learning_theories:​Experiential learning]]+  - Polazište učenja uvijek je iskustvono različiti ljudi bolje uče korištenjem različitih stilova učenjaJedna od podjela razlikuje 4 stila učenja koji nastaju kao kombinacija apstraktnog/​konkretnog iskustva/​konceptualizacije. [[learning_theories:​Experiential learning]]
-===== Instructional design principles ​=====+===== Principi instrukcijskog dizajna ​=====
-  - Modality principle - learning will be enhanced if presenting textual information in an auditory format, rather than in visual format, when it is accompanied with other visual information like a graphdiagram or animation. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Modality principle - Predstavljanje tekstualne informacije za učenje u zvučnom umjesto pisanom formatu rezultirat će uspješnijim učenjem ukoliko je takva informacija popraćena drugim vizualnim prikazima poput grafovadijagrama ili animacija. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Redundancy principle - capacity of both human information channels can unnecessarily be overloaded by redundant information presented through both channels. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Redundancy principle - Kapacitet ljudskih informacijskih kanala može biti nepotrebno preopterećen ukoliko je ista (redundantna) informacija prezentirana putem oba kanala. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Spatial contiguity principle - information processing is easier when two related visual information sources are closer to one other. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Spatial contiguity principle - Procesiranje informacije je jednostavnije kada su dva povezana izvora informacija smještena jedan blizu drugoga. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Temporal contiguity principle - simultaneous presentation of related information should be most similar to the way human mind operates and has provided good experimental resultssame as presenting related multi-modal information with very short time differences. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Temporal contiguity principle - Prezentiranje povezanih informacija različite modalnosti (zvučne i vizualne) u bliskim vremenskim trenutcima omogućiti će bolje rezultate učenjabudući da je takav način njihovog predstavljanja sličan načinu na koji djeluje ljudski um. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Coherence principle - extraneous material that may be interesting or motivating but is irrelevant and generally wastes learning resources. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Coherence principle - Materijal za učenje koji je zanimljiv i motivirajući,​ ali ne nosi nikakvu konkretnu ili poželjnu informaciju,​ nepotrebno troši spoznajne resurse. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Individual differences principle - emphasizes influence of prior knowledge and cognitive capacity to results of learning. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Individual differences principle - Individualne razlike poput predznanja i spoznajnog kapaciteta znatno utječu na ishode učenja. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Signaling effect - presents the increase in the learning outcomes due to promotion of attention to relevant information. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Signaling effect - Vođenje pažnje na bitne informacije u materijalu za učenje imati će pozitivan učinak na ishod učenja. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Segmenting effect - means that learning should be more efficient if a continued animation or narration could be split into more smaller parts. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Segmenting effect - Učenje će biti uspješnije ukoliko se kontinuirana animacija ili naracija razdijeli na više kraćih segmenata. [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Worked examples effect - presenting worked examples before asking students to try to solve one [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Worked examples effect - Prezentiranje riješenih/​razrađenih primjera prije nego se od učenika traži da sam riješi koji imati će pozitivan efekt na njegov ishod učenja. ​[[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Synthesizers - (diagramsimages or other) enable easier meaningful integration and assimilation of new knowledge into existing knowledge. [[instructional_design:​Elaboration theory]] +  - Synthesizers - Materijali za sintezu znanja poput dijagramaslika ili sažetaka omogućuju jednostavniju smislenu integraciju i asimilaciju novog znanja u postojeće predznanje. [[instructional_design:​Elaboration theory]] 
-  - Concept maps visual representation of the relationships between concepts. [[instructional_design:​Concept mapping]] +  - konceptne mape Sredstvo za vizualizaciju veza među konceptima. [[instructional_design:​Concept mapping]] 
-  - Present topic with gradually increasing complexity. [[instructional_design:​Elaboration theory]], [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] +  - Prezentacija teme sa postupnim povećanjem kompleksnosti. [[instructional_design:​Elaboration theory]], [[learning_theories:​Cognitive theory of multimedia learning]] 
-  - Advance organizers - introductory material presented before the learning material at a higher level of abstraction,​ generality, and inclusiveness. [[learning_theories:​Assimilation theory]] +  - Advance organizers - Materijal koji na višoj razini apstrakcije učeniku pomaže u smještavanju novog materijala koji će učiti u njegovo postojeće predznanje. [[learning_theories:​Assimilation theory]] 
-  - See also: [[instructional_design:​Case-Based Learning]], [[instructional_design:​Simulation-Based Learning]], [[instructional_design:​Goal Based Scenarios]],​ [[instructional_design:​Problem-Based Learning]], [[instructional_design:​Inquiry-Based Learning]], [[instructional_design:​Incidental Learning]]+  - Također: [[instructional_design:​Case-Based Learning]], [[instructional_design:​Simulation-Based Learning]], [[instructional_design:​Goal Based Scenarios]],​ [[instructional_design:​Problem-Based Learning]], [[instructional_design:​Inquiry-Based Learning]], [[instructional_design:​Incidental Learning]]
-===== Humanist dimension of learning ​=====+===== Humanistička dimenzija učenja ​=====
-  - Learning is a natural desirea mean of self-actualization and development of personal potentialsThe importance of learning lies in the processnot outcome. [[learning_paradigms:​Humanism]] +  - Učenje je prirodna željasredstvo samoostvarenja i ostvarenja osobnih potencijalaVažnost učenja je u procesune u ishodima. [[learning_paradigms:​Humanism]] 
-  - We cannot teach another person directlywe can only facilitate his learningThis should be the goal of the educational process and teachers through ​realness, prizing ​and empathy. [[instructional_design:​Facilitation theory]] +  - Nije moguće nekoga nešto naučitimoguće je samo pospješiti njegov proces učenjaTo bi trebao biti cilj obrazovnog procesa i učitelja kroz vjerojst, nagrađivanje i empatiju (//realness////prizing//, //empathy//). [[instructional_design:​Facilitation theory]] 
-  - Students should be invited by their teachers to develop their potentialsPeopleplacespoliciesprograms and processes related to the educational process should be maximally inviting. [[instructional_design:​Invitational learning]]+  - Učenici bi u okviru obrazovnog procesa trebali biti pozvani na ostvarenje svojih potencijalaLjudimjesta učenjapolitikaprogrami i procesi vezani uz obrazovanje trebali biti maksimalno //​pozivajući//​. [[instructional_design:​Invitational learning]]
-===== Connectivist dimension of learning ​=====+===== Konektivistička dimenzija učenja ​=====
-  - Since knowledge is nowadays rapidly growing and changingthe process of learning should not be focused on acquiring more knowledge into or from each of available information sourcesbut on connecting to them and maintaining those connections. [[learning_paradigms:​Connectivism]] ​+  - Budući da se znanje danas brzo mijenja i rasteproces učenja ne bi trebao biti usredotočen na usvajanje više znanja u ili iz nekog od njegovih izvoranego ostvarivanje i održavanje veza s takvim izvorima. [[learning_paradigms:​Connectivism]] ​
hr/implications.1341842233.txt.gz · Zadnja izmjena: 2023/06/19 17:49 (vanjsko uređivanje)